We just returned from Guinea by the skin of our teeth and managed to hop in a cab from Newark just in time for our friend Alex Boicel’s exciting Afromondo showcase. The event featured our incredible brother from Guinea, the amazing Moh Kouyaté, along with other phenomenal musicians—most of whom traveled at their own expense—to play live during this extraordinary week of music.
APAP and Global Fest have blessed us with outstanding talent from all over the world—Indian music, Malian music, and so much more—all appreciated by an enthusiastic and diverse crowd. We also managed to catch one of our favorite DJ's from Londons Jazz FM China Moses who was showcasing her latest album- Just think we were listening to her show days before in Conakry. The world is shrinking folks!!!
Here are just some of the images, with more to come. The week isn’t over yet! Please join us Friday night at Drom on Avenue A for Natu Camara’s electrifying show, running from 7 to 9 PM. She’ll be bringing some powerful guests to the stage.
Kudos to Alex for his well-deserved Global Fest Pioneer Award, and a huge shoutout to all the incredible artists who’ve made this week unforgettable.

Moh Kouyaté,

london JAZZ FM DJ and performer China Moses

French band Monsieur Mala

Bamba Wassoulou Groove-Mali

Alex Boicel

Global Fest Pioneer and leader Bill Bragin

Our friend Banning from Afropop

See you friday night for more great music to cap off the week.