All Music & Lyrics by Natu Camara
"Drapeau": Arranged by Djessou Morry Kanté and produced by Abou Cissé.
"Amassoukhou" &"Nnakhounde": Arranged by Cheick Barry and produced by Natu Camara
"Monstre": Produced by Natu Camara & Djessou Mory Kanté.
"Khoni" Produced by Abou Cissé and co-produced by Natu Camara.
"Momi Hidda"- "Arabama di"- "Noboday Said"-"Waa" -"Yigui"
" "Gonlein" produced by Natu Camara.
"Hello": Arranged by Natu Camara & Azouhouni Ado.
Recorded at Moffou Studio, Mali (Bamako) :Recording engineer Abou Cissé
Strings for Hello recorded at GRAFFWERKS-Brooklyn :Engineers Nir Graff & Baba Z Buerger
Mixed by Godfrey Diamond at Perfect Mixes NYC
Mastered by Raphael (Paris)
Album Production Manager: Jamie Ambler-Photography & Design: Jamie Ambler
Photography by Michael Baumann
Album Produced by Natuwenta Productions.
Djessou Mory Kanté (Guitars)
Natu Camara: (Acoustic Guitar)
Oumarou Diarra: (Drums)
Sekou Kanté: (Bass)
Scotty (Keyboard)
Molobaly Kondé: (Percussions)
New York:
Uri Cleinman: ( Bass on Gonlein and Nnakhounde)
Natu Camara, Virgini Dembélé & Wassa (Backing Vocals)
Cheick Barry (Bass on Momi hidda and Amassoukhou)
Cheick Barry ( Guitar on Amassoukhou)
Azouhouni Adou: (Piano)
Nir Graff: (Bass)
Andy Algire: (Drums)
David Acker: (Guitar)
Strings: Arranged by Brian Sanders
Cello: Jessica Wang
Viola:Jen Volmer
Violin: Jia Xu

"Dimedi' was recorded in a few weeks at Studio Moffou in Bamako. But the album was a long time In the making.
Natu met Salif Keita's guitar player Djessou Mory Kanté after a show at SOB's in New York . After recording 2 songs
in a studio in Brooklyn. Natu was hooked on the idea of recording with these great musicians from Mali.
"Listen sister,” Djessou said, "I think you have a lot to give to this world, but New York is super expensive
why don’t you come to Mali and record your album ?”
A month later, she was in Bamako recording Dimedi at Salif Keitas studio The result are 13 songs that
once heard are hard to get out of your head. The sessions left a big impression on Camara.
“The musicians are so disciplined, and they love music" she says. "It’s not easy to find when you don't have
the big budget these days. They dedicated all their time coming in the morning and leaving when
ever we were done or tired. Don’t you get tired? they would ask. It’s unbelievable that a girl can be like this.
Here in America it's normal, but over there it's unusual. One more reason to set an example for
the young girls and show the boys we are not just here to have babies."
Drapeau: (The flag)
There is only one flag that flies over our country, let’s forgive each other and look beyond our differences, (dialects, race and religion)
let’s come together and celebrate the making of a better life.
Momi Hidda: (An arranged marriage)
The story of a young girl who begs her parents to let her marry for love not for the gain of others.
Nakhounde: (My hiding spot)
Life is short. We all have the same struggles. After the travails of the day we all deserve to find a resting place in some
corner or in someone’s arms.
Arrabama Di: (What are we going to do about it?)
This is an upbeat address to those in government and everyone in the country. When things go wrong how are we going to solve it ?
Let’s do something about it.
Nobody Said:
We were never given a road map when we born. Life will never be easy, don’t give up just pack yourbags and keep on moving on.
Waa: (Cry)
When you feel like you’ve had enough. When life is too much. Don’t torture yourselves, let loose and cry and free your soul.
Monstre: (Monster)
This is dedicated to women who have been lied to by someone they thought was the love of their life.It’s time to take control and move
onto a better life.
Amassoukhou: (Take care of the one you love).
Married couples and lovers often get caught up with life dramas and forget about what they really have.
Cherish those who are closest to you. Take care of them.
Yigui: (Friendship)
This song speaks about my first band. We were sisters united. No matter what happens in life we will always have each other.
No mountain or ocean could keep us from being together.
Dimedi: (Child )
A Child doesn’t need success or money. A Child needs a bed to sleep in, food to eat, a heathy body, and a good mentor to prepare
them for adulthood. This song is dedicated especially to my grandma who helped raise me.
Gonlein: (Work)
Brothers and sisters nothing is impossible.Let’s get on our feet to build our society. Let’s work for a better future.
Khony: (Bird)
I was down and out when one day a bird came by my window to speak to me. The message changed my life.
Fear is your enemy,free yourself and fly like a bird.
Many people (especially in large cities) feel alone and isolated. If we all could be aware of who is around us maybe one
simple “hello”can save someone’s life. This song is Inspired by real life stories and dedicated
especially to the homeless and the aged who arebarely surviving on the edges of our societies.